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Make your desktop looking Awsome


             Make your desktop awsome in just few minutes

    -To make your desktop just follow my instruction:-

                            - Firstly you have to download a small software called Rainmeter.
                      *Rainmeter download link:-

                  - Now just click on download button and then install this software into your pc or laptop.           
                    - After installing it open it.
                    - Now you can see the window like this:-

                  - Now to give a cool look to your desktop just install some skins given below(you can install any skin you want in rainmeter just download it from:-

                       *To give your taskbar a transparent look :-
        *To insert amazing desktop icons :-
                       *To insert stylish date time :-

                            - After this just open rainmeter.

                              - You can see this section with some folders.
                             - Open "Transclucent Taskbar" folder to make your taskbar transparent.

                              - Select .ini file and click on load button.
                              - As we did this also Open "UI White" folder load Date-time.
                              - And at last Open unFold folder and Load any Icons you want.
                              - If you want to set icon on specific position set coordinates like me.

                                - And now you can set any widget at anywhere in the desktop you want you can also insert other widgets.
                                    - After doing all also can have a beautiful desktop like me.

                              - If you like my wallpaper you can also download my wallpaper collection. The amazing wallpaper collection i have.

                                 *Wallpaper collection:-
