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Secret Tips and Tricks Of YouTube You Should Know And The New YouTube Vanced

                                                      Nowadays, YouTube is like everybody's, Our day is not complete without watching and YouTube video, Sharing new favorite tech news or tricks to friends getting your favorite product reviews and lot more, in few word YouTube is full package that let your day happen with learning something, Getting Entertained and lot more thing that will let your day happen with New Things.                                                    ...

Create Own Professional Logo For Free

                             - If you are a you tuber or created your own startup or created official pages then biggest problem is how make my brand logo like professional logos. Yes you can hire a graphics designer But it Can be very costly to hire a graphics designer. Obviously in are startup or anything else we look free things out there, we don't want to make any payment for that tiny hope because we are just getting started there is no guarantee that your startup will got success in future. So the meaning is in starting we are only interested in free things.                              - In this article i will show you that how you can make an Professional Logo for free. If you want to create a prof...

Telegram a Secret Place where you can do anything

Telegram              Hey friends,                                - I'm here with the new stuff a new post for you all you all are thinking that what I'm saying telegram is treasure and all that thing so don't think too much friends its real thing its a helpful platform for technical peoples like me and also for normal peoples who are surfing on internet all the time or using social media all the time.                                - Nowadays the social media is like the daily habit for peoples so for this peoples i suggest telegram to use.Because now telegram is now a huge community to share any content in it you can just simply join any channel and get many benefits.     ...

How to use terminal of kali linux or ubuntu in windows

How to use terminal of kali linux or ubuntu in windows   Step1:-Go to your microsoft store. step 1  Step2:- Search the name of the operating system name of which terminal you want to use, Like i searched for kali linux if you want ubuntu terminal you can also search ubuntu. step 2  Step3:-Just go to that search result and just click on download. and it will be installed. step 3 Step4:- Now just launch the app and you can use your terminal in windows. results  

Amazing things about INSTAGRAM

                         #INSTAGRAM       In which language it is devloped?                     - The frontend was written in HTML, JQuery and Facebook SDK for the Facebook integration. The backend was written in PHP (CakePHP for web framework) and a little bit of DJango . Originally Answered: What language is Instagram coded in? It's written in Python .                     - And i now a days it uses ReactJS.       How Instagram made?                              - Instagram (also known as IG or insta) is a photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, Inc. It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and launched in Octo...